EV Magazine February 2023 | Page 23





In 2022 , NASA released news of a potentially revolutionary battery . As solid-state batteries enter the realm of electrification , lithium-ion batteries may be used alongside their newer , more efficient , and cheaper counterparts .
As the most common form of battery for many electronic devices , lithium-ion batteries rely on lithium , which is not only decreasing in supply , but is also limited in terms of range and charging speed .
In comparison to lead-acid or nickel-cadmium batteries , lithium-ion is higher in energy density , making it more suitable for use in EVs . But there ’ s a new kid on the block : the solid-state battery .
Although solid-state batteries are not currently in use , they hold the most promising characteristics that could double the range of an EV with the same size battery . The difficulty with solid-state batteries has been to reverse the current within the cell to allow the primary function of charging .
Swapping out the liquid electrolyte used in a lithium-ion battery for a solid material achieves the same function , albeit in a smaller package — meaning that the battery is significantly denser .
EVMAGAZINE . COM [ Feb 2023 ] 23