EV Magazine February 2023 | Page 33



Although it has always been a major component of automotive development , EV design is what allows them to achieve higher ranges per charge and provide customers with smooth , energyefficient vehicles , but there ’ s also an element of safety and comfort in the making of these cars .
Lifestyles are changing and more consumers are becoming mindful of how their cars make them think and feel . More importantly , with many cars featuring similar range and performance specifications , the key , differentiating factors are technology and space ; bigger EVs serve as a blank canvas for both .
“ We need to be smarter with design and product strategy in the first instance , and recognise those reasons why consumers want to drive an SUV and design around those ,” says Browne .
“ Beyond this , technology plays a key role , but that applies to all body types , not just SUVs . Optimised use of materials , powertrain efficiency , and improvements in battery chemistry or energy density all play important roles .”
As adoption continues , innovation also progresses , meaning that — from a charging perspective — the industry can expect to see more efficient use of energy via artificial intelligence ( AI ), thus driving more productive load balancing in energy distribution networks .
When operating vehicles themselves , AI and machine learning ( ML ) will accelerate the connected culture of EVs and drive towards autonomy .
EVMAGAZINE . COM [ Feb 2023 ] 33