EV Magazine July 2023 | Page 29



These are the issues that water crafters witness on a regular basis , particularly Rodi Basso , the Co-Founder and CEO of the UIM E1 Series World Championship . For those who are not quite familiar with the marine industry or are unaware of what the E1 Series is all about , the story begins with SeaBird Technologies .
Well-acquainted with the Founder , Chairman & Head of Design at Seabird Technologies , Sophi Horne , Basso was inspired by his experience as the CTO for the company – alongside his passion for the ocean environment – to take action in such a way that would not only bring awareness of climate change issues , but build excitement around solving them .
“ When I go sailing , I feel the impact . I can see , very concretely , the impact of the changes , and the way the climate is behaving is completely different compared to what I used to experience 20 or 30 years ago ,” says Basso .
“ Now , there are sudden changes in weather conditions ; tropical behaviour in areas that are not . There is something that has changed .”
Working alongside Basso and the team , SeaBird Technologies brought to life the design idea pioneered by Horne herself , which led to the birth of the electrified boat – the RaceBird .
EVMAGAZINE . COM [ July 2023 ] 29