EV Magazine October 2022 | Page 101

that device to market and connect up to a carrier ’ s network . Obviously , vehicles require many more checks and balances , which is where the digital twin can help us demonstrate correct interoperability with the smart city infrastructure that will support safe operation .”
A new vision for mobility Siemens aims to deploy solutions that give back more space to people in cities so they can actually use it to live . “ In the long-term , we need to tackle the peak hour problem ,” maintains Chandra . “ There are certain hours of the day when the demand placed on the entire city infrastructure is high . Yet , as this demand starts to plateau , much of this peak hour infrastructure is sitting there without being utilized .”
Chandra believes it ’ s vital to make it extremely easy for people to move from one place to another , without having to find a parking spot , or match their schedule with this peak hour problem . “ We have to make things demand-responsive ,” he says . twin predicted it would . This requires the application of a practical methodology based on engineering principles to deliver a safe vehicle .”
To gain traction , Siemens is working with major metropolitan municipalities to develop this synergy and put together a certification process to provide a pathway for autonomous vehicles to get their learner ’ s permit . “ It ’ s the same process your smartphone has to go through before it can be placed on a network ,” says Fritz . “ There are environments used to show correct operation before you could take
“ The vision for this technology is to make our cities less passive . They need to become smart and ready to interact with their citizens , however they choose to travel . With the development of fast , low latency communications , we can actually make our cities talk . And with sensors everywhere to monitor the quality of life , to monitor all aspects of mobility , this information would enhance the driving experience and ultimately lower accident rates . Cities can tell us so much , we just need to embrace the opportunity to listen .”
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