EV Magazine October 2022 | Page 89



Motorcycles have a definite place in the future of e-mobility — particularly for lastmile logistics and urban commuting — and even have the potential to create a new level of fun . But , as it stands , the industry is not yet geared towards the use of e-motorcycles for long trips , and , due to inherent differences in function , will provide a different level of excitement to that of traditional petrol power .
“ Outside of urban settings and for longer journeys , the technology does not currently allow a battery of a suitable weight and size to meet most customers ’ needs in terms of range . The price premium for electric is also prohibitive for many ,” says Sargent . “ It may need a step change in technology , such as commercially viable solid-state batteries , before long-distance electric motorcycles become more realistic .”
EVMAGAZINE . COM [ Oct 2022 ] 89