EV Magazine September 2023 | Page 32

EV speaks to Klaus Küng , Senior Director , Transport & Mobility Industry , Dassault Systèmes on the future of autonomous vehicles and electric platforms

Autonomous vehicles , something out of a futuristic movie ? Or closer to mainstream adoption than we think ?

Utilising a fully automated driving system to allow the vehicle to respond to external conditions that a human would manage , autonomous vehicles rely on sensors , actuators , complex algorithms , machine learning ( ML ) systems , and powerful processors to operate .
From a quality-of-life standpoint the benefits of autonomous vehicles can bring independence to those unable to drive internal combustion engine ( ICE ) vehicles , result in more efficient driving , and reduce road rage . But from an environmental standpoint , autonomous vehicles have the potential to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions .
According to the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy ( ITDP ), if the industry adopts three key trends concurrently — vehicle automation , vehicle electrification , and ridesharing — by 2050 traffic congestion could be reduce by 30 %, transport costs could be cut by 40 %, and urban CO2 emissions could be reduced by 80 %. Taking a look under the hood : Electric platforms for self-driving vehicles
When it comes to the inner working of an autonomous vehicle , there are several factors that make an electric platform
32 [ Sept 2023 ] EVMAGAZINE . COM