charger , Quasar , and connecting it to their solar PV system has allowed them to transition from spending US $ 6,000 annually on electricity to making a profit of about US $ 50 a week from selling their excess power to the grid , meaning an annual profit of around US $ 2,500 .
On a larger scale , SIRIUS , Wallbox ' s pioneering energy intelligence solution , balances a number of distributed energy resources , but importantly incorporates 23 bi-directional cars connected to Quasars . This sophisticated software that was developed to incorporate V2B ( vehicleto-building ) technology into a commercial energy management system has allowed Wallbox to optimise its energy use , saving 85,000euro per year in electricity bills .
TS : Are there more potential opportunities in bi-directional charging ?
GI : A key obstacle to the green energy transition is the inconsistent production of renewable energy sources . The grid needs to match generation and consumption . The more renewables used , the more difficult this becomes .
To successfully move from fossil fuels to renewable energy , we need to build a new paradigm where instead of matching generation to consumption , we couple demand response systems with bi-directional charging to build decentralised energy networks . Bi-directional charging allows us to use EVs , which will soon be the world ’ s largest source of lithium batteries , to store energy during peak production periods and use it later to manage energy distribution and stabilise the grid .
48 [ Sept 2023 ] EVMAGAZINE . COM