EV Magazine September 2023 | Page 54



Connectivity ’ s intention isn ’ t to be the enabler of electrified transportation . Technology is much better than that , and is so influential in zero-emission fleet adoption and logistics decarbonisation .

There are a number of solutions that can help reduce the impact of fleets , but there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to propulsion systems and , more importantly , a strategic outlook is necessary to embed sustainability into the process in the long term . This therefore writes off the conventional idea that more vehicles on the road means we need more stop-off points to power them .
This is where the word strategy and connectivity meet . By firstly demonstrating the capabilities of a connected fleet in the current operational landscape , business can start to visualise ways to optimise it . One challenge is understanding where different propulsion systems work at their best , but another is leveraging connected services to oversee operations nationally and internationally — maximising the operating time of vehicles and providing more accurate cost and delivery targets .
One of the trends in the fleet sector at the moment is seen across the new HGV market , whereby companies are developing tractor units that are smarter than ever before , optimising them for the routes they will be taking and the payloads they carry — all achieved with a little help from connectivity .
54 [ Sept 2023 ] EVMAGAZINE . COM